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Fly ash for concrete industry

Fly ash is a byproduct from power plants which fire with coal , or a combination of biomass and coal fly ash. Fly ash is a pozzolanic , the use of processed fly ash is a particular advantage in the production og high-strength and ultra-high-strength concretes. By burning pulverised coal a fine grain of ash is captured in the chimney- or els the ash would "fly away" into the air and make pollution. That' s how it is named fly ash.

Emi Fly Ash

Emi Fly ash is certified according to DS/EN 450 the standard for Fly ash for concrete.

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EmiFiller is certified according to DS/EN 12620 the standard aggregate for concrete.

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Safety and invironment

Safety and data sheet (SDS) environmental product declaration (MVD) for EmiFlyash and EmiFiller.

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